Your Ultrasound Questions Answered

Expecting moms have a lot of questions about ultrasound!  Whether it’s:

“What can you see on a 6 week ultrasound?” or “When can baby’s heartbeat be seen or heard?

My 17 years of obstetrical ultrasound experience comes in handy for answering these questions! So, I searched Google to find the most popular questions related to the ultrasounds that we do, here at Wonder Time. And here they are, with my answers, enjoy!

Does insurance cover ultrasounds during pregnancy?

Most insurances do cover the diagnostic ultrasounds that a doctor orders for you.  Insurance will not cover ultrasounds done for reassurance. For example, your morning sickness suddenly stops, your other symptoms are gone too, is baby OK? If you aren’t bleeding and you don’t have any pain, most doctors cannot or will not order an ultrasound to check on your baby. Why not? Because insurance will not pay for it. Here at Wonder Time, we offer a 5 Minute Quick Peek Reassurance Scan, designed only to show you that your baby has a heartbeat and is active.


Is 6 weeks too early for ultrasound?

No, not if the calculated gestational age of the baby is correct. At 6 weeks, baby should have a visible heartbeat on ultrasound. Measurements can be taken, but may not be as accurate as a measurement taken at 9-12 weeks. Here at Wonder Time, we routinely help parents see a quick peek of their baby at 6 weeks. At this age, our typical scan lasts about 3 minutes, includes seeing the heartbeat, measuring the heart rate and measuring the length of the baby. During this delicate and rapid time of development, a quick peek is best. Baby is going to grow a millimeter every day for the next month or so!

Baby Ultrasound at 6 Weeks


Why does my stomach look big at 6 weeks pregnant?

In the beginning of pregnancy, hormones like progesterone increase, slowing down mom’s digestive process. This results in slightly more constipation and gas than normal. The other factor is the uterus is growing and displacing the intestines further up into the abdomen. All of this can make for a bloated effect, even at 6 weeks.


Is no heartbeat at 6 weeks normal?

That’s a tough question. If we are absolutely sure of dates of conception and ovulation, it can be a bad sign that we do not see a heartbeat at 6 weeks. However, most of the time, this situation occurs when mom thinks she is 6 weeks, but ovulation actually occurred later in her cycle, making her closer to 5 weeks and 4 days, or less. You see, the heart starts beating at 5 weeks and 5 days. If you are actually 5 weeks and 4 days, no heartbeat will be seen at that time- and that is OK. In cases like this, where no heartbeat is seen, and the size of the gestational sac (area where baby grows inside of the uterus) is sometimes measuring smaller than 6 weeks, and a repeat scan in a few days or weeks is recommended. Of course, if we see anything that causes alarm, or the need for a formal ultrasound, we advise you to see your doctor ASAP.


Can you tell gender at 12 weeks?

By ultrasound, gender can be determined at 12 weeks, and at a very high rate of accuracy if the nub angle (angle of the genital tubercule relative to the sacroiliac spine) is indicative of a boy. However, what appears to be a female, 2% of the time, may actually be a male. This margin of error goes away at 13 weeks, when our gender expert- Glenda – has been able to correctly determine 100% of the babies she has scanned – since Wonder Time was born, in 2017!


What week can you tell gender by ultrasound?

Wonder Time can 100% accurately tell gender at 13 weeks of pregnancy or more. See the answer above for more info.


Is there a test to find out gender?

Yes! You may get a NIPT blood test at your doctor, or you can come to Wonder Time, where we offer Sneak Peek Clinical Testing. Sneak Peek can be done as early as 6 weeks of pregnancy, requires a quick blood draw by our phlebotomist, and has results available as soon as the next day. We also perform a quick ultrasound to check on baby, and confirm that you are 6 weeks pregnant or more. The Sneak Peak website has more info about gender blood tests.


How can I check my baby gender at home?

Sneak Peek does offer a home testing option. We find our in-office Sneak Peek Clinical testing to be more accurate. We measure the baby to check size and dates, and there is no risk of cross contamination with our blood draw method.


Are these tests for gender accurate?

Yes, our Sneak Peek Clinical tests have been proven to be over 99% accurate in the three years that we have been offering them. Our gender ultrasound is the most reliable, with Glenda at 100% accuracy for babies that are 13 weeks or more.


How early can you have a gender scan?

The earliest is 13 weeks, if you want the most accurate result.


What week is best for 3D ultrasound?

3D ultrasound images can be done at any week. The general guideline that we use is 28-34 weeks is the best range for high quality images of baby’s face. The smaller the baby is, the more lack of detail there will be. Before 28 weeks, baby doesn’t really have any body fat. This can result in certain details of the baby’s face looking strange- such as the nose appearing big, bags under the eyes. This is all normal, and it is related to the prematurity of the baby at the time of the scan. This does not detract from most parent’s enjoyment of seeing that precious face.


Do babies look like their 3D ultrasounds?

Yes! We have lots of side by side “before and after” images provided to us by moms and dads sending us a newborn picture. The closer to delivery that the 3D image is taken, the more accurate the picture will be- however waiting past 34 weeks can sometimes result in not enough room to get a good face image.

Wonder Time 3D Ultrasound Before and After


What is the difference between 3D and 4D ultrasound pictures?

3D is a still image, taken like a photograph-point and shoot. A 4D ultrasound is a video clip, showing the 3D image of the baby in real time. As the baby moves, yawns, and smiles- all of that can be seen and saved in 4D imaging.  The downside to 4D is that it is not possible to get a smooth video and high resolution image all at the same time. Of the two, 3D will be a higher definition and better quality.


Is 20 weeks too early for 3D ultrasound?

Not really, we can still get some nice images if baby is in a good position, and if there is ample amniotic fluid. Is it the best time to see the baby’s face? No, not really. But it can be a good time to see baby’s whole body in one image.


What week is best for 4D ultrasound?

Much like 3D ultrasound, 4D ultrasound is best around 28-34 weeks.


What a 4D ultrasound looks like?

4D ultrasound looks like 3D ultrasound, except it is real time, in motion. You can see the baby in 3 dimensions, moving, yawning, and smiling.


What can I expect from a 4D ultrasound? 

Your sonographer will have you lay down in a comfortable position, usually lying on one side or the other. Warm ultrasound gel will be applied to your belly, usually below your belly button, as that is the most likely place for baby’s face to be. The ultrasound probe will be placed on your belly, with gel in between it and your skin. The sonographer will apply gentle pressure in the area near baby’s face, and you should be able to see your baby moving in 3D up on the screen.


What week is best for 4D ultrasound?

The same week that is best for 3D is also good for 4D. I always say that my favorite is 30 weeks, with the wider range being 28-34 weeks.


Is HD better than 4D ultrasound?

HD is better than standard 4D, giving a more realistic image. HD Ultrasound is a software option available on certain upper level ultrasound machines. Our GE ultrasound unit has HD Live, which renders the baby’s skin in a more lifelike appearance, and allows for a 360 degree lighting adjustment. I have seen this lighting feature turn a good picture into a great one. I mainly scan in HD Live mode, while I am doing 3D still images, and 4D videos. Here are some examples of Wonder Time’s 4D video:


What can you see on a 4D ultrasound?

You can see your baby’s features in 3 dimensions, and see their movements. You may be able to see a yawn, a smile, even a boo-boo lip! Some babies like to put on a show, while others are content to lie back and let us see them from different angles.


Can I take a video of my ultrasound?

At the doctor’s office, it is usually forbidden to take a video of your ultrasound. At Wonder Time- we encourage it! You can FaceTime, record video, whatever you prefer. Or, just sit back and relax, because every ultrasound session at Wonder Time includes a Livestream video which is saved to your BabyFlix account.


What a 7 week ultrasound looks like?

At 7 weeks, baby will look a little like a small peanut, or a string bean, or a grain of rice. Baby will measure approximately 0.5 inches, though on the ultrasound, baby will be measured in centimeters. A heartbeat should be clearly seen as a flicker near the middle of the baby.


Is ultrasound an elective?

An elective ultrasound is done to satisfy the emotional needs of expectant parents to see their baby, usually including the use of 3D and 4D ultrasound. You can have an elective ultrasound done, if you want to. I always recommend a little research…does the person who is performing the ultrasound have their RDMS? A degree in ultrasound? Multiple years of obstetrical experience? Do they have modern equipment and an understanding of ultrasound physics and safety?  If the answer is yes to all of these, that person is qualified to perform an elective ultrasound. Also high on my list is the personality of the person doing the scan, because at the elective ultrasound, you want someone who will talk to you & be excited to show you your baby.


Are elective ultrasounds safe?

Simple answer, yes. Ultrasound has never been known to have caused any harm to a mother or baby. However, an ultrasound is only as good or as “safe” as the person performing it. People with limited elective ultrasound training may not be as well versed in ultrasound physics or best practices as those registered sonographers with a degree in ultrasound. There are currently no regulatory organizations for the field of elective ultrasound. It is up to you, the prospective client, to research and determine whether the person performing your elective ultrasound should be operating that piece of equipment. Terms to look for:  A degree in Diagnostic Medical Sonography, ARDMS certification, ARDMS OB/GYN specialty. You can even look up a sonographer by name to see if they are ARDMS registered.

If a person is listed there, with an OB/GYN specialty, they are qualified to perform diagnostic obstetrical ultrasounds, and therefore, IMO qualified to perform an elective ultrasound as well. Here is my registry listing:

Glenda Barachko ARDMS Registration


How many ultrasounds do you have during your pregnancy?

This answer varies from person to person.  A high risk pregnancy may have more than 20 ultrasounds. A low risk pregnancy may only be 2 ultrasounds.


Can too many ultrasounds harm baby?

It is theoretically possible to cause harm, but the amount of scanning time and acoustic power necessary to do so is not likely to happen. The settings on our machine are kept at the point where unlimited scan time should be possible, but we scan at 30 minutes or less, just to be extra safe. The time to be most careful with ultrasound is early in pregnancy- up to 10 weeks or so. At that point, scan time of the baby is best kept to a few minutes, and should not include the use of pulsed wave Doppler (listening to baby’s heartbeat using the ultrasound machine).  At 67-10 weeks I can usually show baby’s heartbeat, heart rate, and take 2 measurements in under 2 minutes.

How to Get the Best 3D 4D Ultrasound Pictures

how to get the best 3d 4d ultrasound pics

Hello Pregnant Mamas! We are  looking forward to seeing you and your beautiful babies!

Here are some tips for the best ultrasound experience, whether you are getting a Free Gummy Bear Ultrasound, Gender Determination Ultrasound, or a 3D 4D HD Ultrasound.


  1. Book your ultrasound session online, and fill out the registration form that we send. You must have this filled out before you arrive.


  1. Please try to arrive 5-10 minutes before your appointment time. You may need time to find a parking spot. We will have very limited ability to accommodate lateness. If you arrive late, your appointment time may be cut short to allow for proper sanitizing in between clients.


  1. Drink plenty of water- you need about 64-84 ounces each day (more if you are very active, or have been sick recently). A bottle of unflavored Smart Water or Essentia daily is often helpful.

However, you do not need to have a full bladder- only fill your bladder if you are less than 10 weeks pregnant. A good pocket of fluid in front of the baby’s face makes all the difference in getting awesome 3d and 4d ultrasound pictures.  I find myself giving my clients a lot of advice for how to have a great session, with the best picture. So much of picture quality hinges on amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid is the “water” around the baby. Babies with more fluid are able to move around a bit more. Optimal levels of amniotic fluid are reached when you are well-hydrated, drinking at least 64 ounces of water each day. Amniotic fluid allows a cushion between baby’s face and other surfaces, such as the placenta and the wall of the uterus. All of the pics you see on our Facebook and Instagram are examples of adequate to optimal fluid levels.

  1. Don’t come to your appointment hungry. Try to eat a light meal or snack before you arrive. Eat a piece of fruit, if you feel like something sweet, bananas, grapes, cherries and figs are best.
  2. Bring your loved ones! We have room for 10 to sit comfortably. Bring the kids if you want, just remember to bring a favorite toy to keep them happy. We also have some toys and board books for your use in the room. In my experience, anyone from toddler to age 9, gets tired of the ultrasound after a few minutes. You, however, will be glued to the screen, seeing for the first time the little nose, lips, chubby cheeks, and recognizable features of your precious little baby.
  3. Don’t be afraid to ask questions before, during, or after your visit! Any questions or concerns, please let us know! You can text or call us at  (856) 553-5138
  4. Please try to arrive 5-10 minutes before your appointment time. You may need time to find a parking spot. We will have very limited ability to accommodate lateness. If you arrive late, your appointment time may be cut short to allow for proper sanitizing in between clients.


  1. And finally, this should go without saying, but if you are ill, or running a fever, please call us to reschedule. If I am ill or running a fever- I will be calling you.


Want recommendations based on your session type?  Glad you asked!

Free Gummy Bear

This scan is a 3-5 minute scan designed to let you see your baby’s heartbeat, get a basic measurement, and give you some video and pictures. If you are between 6 and 10 weeks, a full bladder is going to be helpful. A full bladder helps to push your intestines up and away from your uterus, and it will position your uterus for optimal images of the baby. Drink approximately 20 ounces of water 30-45 minutes before your appointment.  If you are nauseous, only do what you are able to do.

We will see the baby’s heartbeat, and be able to tell you the heart rate. We will not be hearing the baby’s heartbeat at this time. Why is that? Our office follows the AIUM guidelines as much as possible. Here’s what they have to say on the subject:


Although Doppler instruments without imaging capability are permissible to be used, spectral Doppler imaging should not be used to document the fetal heart rate unless clinically indicated. When attempting to document the fetal cardiac activity or obtain the heart rate with a diagnostic ultrasound system, the AIUM recommends using either an M-mode or a B-mode scan, keeping the TI as low as possible, preferably less than or equal to 0.7, and not prolonging the procedure beyond what is necessary to obtain the measurement.1 Use the TI for soft tissues for the TI if pregnancy is less than 10 weeks; use the TI for bone if 10 or more weeks.

If an M-mode scan cannot be obtained at an embryonic size (crown-rump length) of 2 mm to 1 cm (approximately 5+ to 7 weeks), the heartbeat may be visualized by B-mode imaging and retained for documentation. Pulsed Doppler (spectral, power, and color flow imaging) ultrasound should not be used routinely due to increased acoustic output.”      



English Translation: Doppler with an ultrasound machine is powerful stuff. More powerful than a handheld Doppler. No one knows how long of a “listen” at this early stage might cause an issue, or be believed to have caused an issue with the baby’s health.


We always strive to keep our elective ultrasounds as safe, or safer than the ones performed at the doctor’s office.


Quick Peek  (5 minute Reassurance scan)

Can be performed at any time after 6 weeks. The perfect session to put your mind at ease. Our favorite for mamas who want to just have a quick check in, multiple times throughout pregnancy. Bring up to 10 guests. A 2D session, looking at heart beat, heart rate, estimated measurements and baby’s position. If you are looking for the best face pics, consider our Peek a Boo or Sweet Baby Face sessions instead.  More than 10 weeks? Let us know in the beginning of your visit if you would like to add a heartbeat bear/animal for an extra $40 plus tax.

Please fill your bladder if you are 6-10 Weeks pregnant.

Quick Peek ( 10 Minute Scan)

For moms that are 15 weeks or more, The perfect session to put your mind at ease. Our favorite for mamas who want to just have a quick check in, multiple times throughout pregnancy. Bring up to 10 guests.  Mostly 2D, with possible 3D and 4D if we are lucky. If you are looking for the best face pics, consider our  Lucky Baby, Peek a Boo or Sweet Baby Face sessions instead.  Let us know in the beginning of your visit if you would like to add a heartbeat bear/animal for an extra $40 plus tax.

No need for a full bladder, empty bladder is best.


Sneak Peek Clinical

A precious little peek with ultrasound, and a quick blood draw by our phlebotomist and you will find out your baby’s gender in 1-3 days! Must be 6 weeks pregnant or more.  This session starts with a 2D ultrasound first, to check the size of the baby, get the heartrate, and get you a few pics and a short video. After that, you will have one small vial of blood drawn. Your last stop is the front desk, where our receptionist will confirm all of your information and the email that you choose to have your results sent to.

Drink 64 – 84 ounces of water the day before your appointment, and try to drink a big glass of water in the morning before you come in. The more hydrated you are, the easier your blood draw will be. A full bladder is also helpful for the quick ultrasound that we do, if you are under 10 weeks. Once again, at this time in pregnancy it can be hard to drink water and keep it down. Please only do what you can, try not to make yourself sick. We will also have juice, water, coffee and donuts at the event.


Early Pink or Blue/ Pink or Blue

Our most accurate gender determination. Glenda personally performs all 13-14 week Early Pink or Blue Sessions. Her accuracy has held strong for 5 years- Every baby she has scanned that measures 13 weeks or more has been 100% correct. That’s a lot of happy, confident gender reveals!! Great time to add a heartbeat bear/ animal for an additional $40. We record your baby’s heartbeat onto a module, which goes inside the stuffed animal of your choice. Have a specific stuffed animal in mind? Let us know a week ahead of your appointment and we can order that for you! Visit our heartbeat bear supplier to see your options.  Need gender reveal supplies? We can help with that! Keep the gender a surprise for everyone, and let us select the correct (but secret) color for you! (Let us know at least 2 weeks prior to your appointment for large orders)

No need for a full bladder for these sessions, but please drink at least 64-84 ounces of water daily for three days prior to your appointment. The more hydrated you are, the better the images will be.


Gender Confirmation Ultrasound

For this session, you must be 13 weeks or more. Have you done a blood test for baby’s gender? These tests are usually 98-99% accurate. While that is highly reliable, that is still one or two mamas out of every 100 who will prepare and plan and dream and then find out the test was incorrect. I am now recommending gender confirmation by ultrasound for all of my clients who have had DNA blood tests. Bring in your email, letter, etc as proof of the blood test and I will confirm the results by ultrasound. No blood test? Just book one of our gender determination by ultrasound packages and have 100% confidence, the first time…EVERY TIME.


Lucky Baby, Peek a Boo, Sweet Baby Face

Drink at least 64-84 ounces of water each day for the three days before your appointment. The day of, drink water, stay hydrated, eat as you normally would. If your baby is normally not very active during the time of day of your appointment, have some fruit 30 minutes prior to your session. No need for a full bladder, empty is best!

Even after our best efforts, getting a good image can still be difficult. An anterior placenta, positioned near baby’s face limits good 3D and 4D images. Above average pre pregnancy hip to waist ratio can possibly affect our image clarity. The umbilical cord can be pushed up inf ront of the face, distorting the image. How to solve these? More amniotic fluid, more time, and perhaps a redo session. At Wonder Time, our Peek a Boo and Sweet Baby Face packages come with a 75% face policy. We recognize 75% as being both eyes, nose and mouth in any one image. If we are unable to achieve this, we offer you a chance to come back for a redo session.

You can feel confident that we are always trying to provide you with the best service, and best pictures and video of your baby. After all, every person that you share your baby’s pics with is a potential referral! We look forward to introducing you to the newest member of your family!



Why Does Wonder Time Offer a Free Ultrasound?

Why does Wonder Time offer a Free Ultrasound?

Here at Wonder Time, we are well known for helping expectant parents find out their baby’s gender.  With our ultrasound machine’s HD Live 5D capability, we can also show parents their baby’s face in beautiful detail, sometimes even catching a yawn or smile on the 4D video. However, the most satisfying moment that we share with our clients is… showing them their baby’s heartbeat for the very first time.  Some OB/GYN doctors will offer a scan for viability, early in your pregnancy, but a lot of them won’t. It can feel like a very  long time between finding out that you’re pregnant and seeing that little heartbeat on the ultrasound screen. If your doctor is not able to show you your baby as early as you would like- we are happy to help. We want to be there with you, in that first moment, seeing your baby for the very first time. So we decided to create our Free Gummy Bear session. It provides a quick 3-5 minute peek at baby, and usually gains us new clients, eager to come back and see us for an early gender scan, or for 3D and 4D images in the third trimester. 

This is what baby looks like on ultrasound at almost 8 weeks:

This is what baby looks like on ultrasound at almost 8 weeks:

What is the Free Gummy Bear session like?

The session is performed between 6 weeks and 10 weeks.  Baby’s heart doesn’t begin beating until 5 weeks and 5 days of pregnancy, so we wait until 6 weeks, to make sure that we have a good chance of seeing it. At this stage, baby is called a “fetal pole” and looks very much like a grain of rice. The middle of the baby has a little “flicker” seen on ultrasound, which is the heart beating. We can measure the heart rate using M-Mode, but it is too early to hear the heartbeat. Technically speaking, we could listen, but the doppler of the ultrasound machine is considered too powerful at this early stage of development.  Because we are an elective procedure, we opt for the safest and most minimally invasive ultrasound.  During your session, we will also measure the baby- a simple measurement of length, called the “Crown Rump Length” or CRL. This gives us a length in centimeters, and an estimate of how many weeks and days baby is measuring.


This is what baby looks like on ultrasound at almost 10 weeks:

This is what baby looks like on ultrasound at almost 10 weeks:


So why do we give away a free ultrasound?

Once again, we love to introduce ourselves to new clients by gifting them what may be the most enjoyable ultrasound that they will have throughout this pregnancy.  We are so excited to see that little heart beating, to do a quick measurement, and to talk to you about other options and packages that we offer. It is our belief that everyone that comes to Wonder Time will become a fan for life, telling all of their family and friends  good things about our business. 

The Fastest Way to Learn Your Baby’s Gender Without an Ultrasound

You’re thinking about baby names, registering your nursery and the one thing you can’t wait to know is if it’s a boy or girl.

You’ve already taken the first step by narrowing down your options but now there are two possibilities: waiting until birth to find out or getting an ultrasound done early on.

But what if you could find out your baby’s gender sooner?

Gender Prediction at 6 Weeks

An ultrasound exam can answer your question, but the catch is that you have to wait until you’re about 18-22 weeks pregnant.

That’s too far away!

Ultrasounds can also be stressful, expensive, and many women want a non-invasive way to find out their baby’s gender. The good news is that there is an easy way you can learn the sex of your baby without ever going through an ultrasound!

So, if you’ve been googling, “how to learn my baby’s gender during pregnancy without ultrasound,” Wonder Time has some good news. You don’t have to wait until 13 weeks to find the answer.

You can find out the gender of your baby as soon as you are 6 weeks pregnant with Wonder Time’s Early Gender DNA Test!

Sneak Peek Early Gender DNA Test

Instead of using an ultrasound to determine the gender of your future baby, you can take a SneakPeek Early Gender DNA Test. It’s available at 6 weeks and only requires a prick from a finger.

What SneakPeek Early Gender DNA Test Can Tell You

The SneakPeek Early Gender DNA Test is a type of noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) that is administered right here at Wonder Time.

While it’s still an NIPT, this test isn’t screening for chromosomal abnormalities. It’s only looking for one extra ingredient in mom’s blood—male DNA, or more specifically, a Y chromosome.

If the test is positive for a Y chromosome, you are having a boy!

If the Y chromosome cannot be detected, congratulations your baby is a girl!

Unlike a more commonly-performed NIPT, the SneakPeek Early Gender DNA Test does not perform statistical analysis to screen for chromosomal abnormalities. This allows the test to be taken weeks sooner than other tests and makes it accessible even when answers need to be quick.

How it Works

All you have to do is make an appointment with us and show up! We’ll give you your results as soon as the next day!

The SneakPeek Early Gender DNA test is designed for simplicity, accuracy and speed.

  • Learn your baby’s gender at 6 weeks – The test can be taken at 6 weeks into pregnancy and a very small cffDNA (cell-free fetal DNA) sample is all that is needed.
  • 99.9% Accuracy – As proven by laboratory studies, SneakPeek Early Gender DNA is 99.9% accurate.
  • Results in 24 Hours – We’ll send your results in as fast as 24 hours, unlike physician-ordered NIPTs.

11 Maternity & Newborn Photographers You Need to Know About

11 Maternity & Newborn Photographers in the Delaware Valley You Need to Know About

We here at Wonder Time know a thing or two about getting great images of babies before they are born. What about once the baby arrives? Then it’s time for a great photographer! We decided to compile a list of our favorites, and our client’s favorites. In the current pandemic state of affairs we all want to know that we are staying safe and doing what’s best, especially when it comes to our little ones.

Newborn photographers have always been and always will be keeping everything as safe and sanitized as possible.  The photographers below submitted a short paragraph describing what makes them stand out and a link to their website. We present for your consideration: Top 11 Maternity & Newborn Photography Studios in the Delaware Valley.


1. Image is Everything Studios

This South Jersey newborn portrait studio provides a photographic experience like nothing else in the area! Image is Everything Studios goes above and beyond for to make their customers’ experiences safe while still being enjoyable, something that every parent can appreciate these days.

“We take so many precautions now, and always have. Your family’s health and safety is our main concern…”

Located in Pitman, NJ – Image is Everything Studios have 20 years of combined experience in creating breathtaking maternity and newborn portraits! They offers a full tour on their website as well as a comprehensive rundown on how they keep their studio one of the safest places you can bring your baby during their first few weeks of life.


Sugar Love Studio - Haddonfield, NJ

2. Sugar Love Studio

Sitting right in the heart of Haddonfield, NJ is this health-conscious newborn photography studio; Sugar Love Studio also takes the safety of your baby very seriously. Mindy, the owner, uses an air purifier during all sessions and then utilizesa UV ozone germicidal lamp after each session is complete! Not too many new photographers are sanitizing with UV lights, which Mindy says is one of the things that sets her apart from her competition. 

“I specialize in newborns and mamas-to-be, but also love working with children and families.  My work is done either in my downtown Haddonfield, NJ studio or on location using natural light.”



3. Rachel Gregory Photography

Rachel Gregory Photography is located in Phoenixville, PA and provides newborn photography for Philadelphia and its surrounding areas. This studio has been lovingly curated with newborns, mothers to be and families in mind.  It’s very cozy and conveniently accesible – located in a shopping center with LOTS of parking.  Rachel Gregory Photography specializes in creating one-of-a-kind photo albums, fine art portraits and wall art of your little ones.  Our clients come back time after time, we really do feel like a family! 

Something that makes this family photography studio stand out is the fact that they offer complete wardrobes for maternity sessions and newborn sessions which means the only person that mom needs to worry about dressing is dad! They take care of the rest, offering professional hair and make up services as well. Wow!


Saykiss Photography - Philadelphia, PA

4. Saykiss Photography

Saykiss Photography creates print and digital portaits of your newborn that simply leave parents speechless. The studio is located in Burlington, NJ which makes it a convenient photography studio for parents in Pennsylvania and New Jersey alike.  One of the perks of being a Saykiss Photography client is that they offer a baby plan which allows newborns to come back at 6 months, 1 year and 2 years at a significantly discounted rate! Owner Sarah Young also tells us that she is currently working on making onesies for each baby to take home after their session, a wonderful personalized touch.

“I do have a VIP group as well for all of my clients that I can use to connect with them, offer discounts and let them know upcoming events such as mini [sessions], etc. I do a lot for grieving mothers as well as I have lost a child myself.”


Roxann Thomas Photography - Lindenwold, NJ

5. Roxann Thomas Photography

Roxann Thomas – the namesake of Roxann Thomas Photography (based out of Lindenwold, New Jersey) – prides herself on the long lasting relationships she’s developed with her clients over the last 7 years of being in business. And that business is booming, according to the talented photographer/owner.

Photographing over 500 newborns in her career, Roxann Thomas Photography says that if there’s one thing that’s definitively exclusive to their business it’s that they have experience with capturing beautiful newborn photos – no easy task considering the fussiness of their subjects. But newborns are what inspired Roxann Thomas to get into this business in the first place.

I truly love what I do and it is an honor to capture your priceless memories so you have them to treasure always!”

Endless Smiles - Haddonfield, NJ

6. Endless Smiles

Haddonfield, NJ is the home to Endless Smiles, a newborn photography studio that puts emphasis on artistry and attention to detail. One testament to that fact is that every newborn photoshoot is attended by a train newborn assistant to ensure your baby always has someone right next to them. This guarantees safety, comfort, and also helps Endless Smiles get some incrediby beautiful photos of your precious little one.

Going the extra mile, Endless Smiles also allows parents to pick the colors and props for their sessions to guarantee they get the colors they want. Every single session is customized to exactly how you prefer!


Janice Morse Portaits - Marlton, NJ

7. Janice Morse Portraits

If you’re looking for luxurious, magazine style portaits of your newborn look no further than Janice Morse Portaits. This boutique photpgraphy studio has been in the business for 16 years, which is rare for a newborn photographer according to Janice Morse herself.

“My clients not only get beautiful portraits heirlooms but they get a whole experience and even some newborn tips!”

Janice says she loves to form a relationship with the families who come to her studio, which has resulted in her being able to photograph the entire family as it continues to grow over the years. She also stresses the value and importance of printed portaits which is why she doesn’t offer a digital-only option. All of Jaince Morse’s clients walk away with an album, portrait box and/or wall art of their baby and they are treated as heirlooms to be cherished and not kept hidden away on a hard drive.

In short, Janice Morse Portaits creates the type of portaits that families will want on their walls all year round.


Saje Photography - Cherry Hill, NJ

8. Saje Photography

If you’re looking for a themed newborn photography session, Saje Photography in Cherry Hill, NJ is the studio for you!

Owner and photographer Amy Ortiz loves creating a theme to showcase the unique personality of each family as well as their adorable new addition, as you can see in the photo above. As she puts it, “Time flies so fast with a little one, it is truly special to help preserve memories of those first few day/weeks for my wonderful clients.”

But Saje Photography also specializes in providing South Jersey and Philadelphia moms-to-be with breathtaking maternity photography as well! Offering dresses for moms of all sizes, Saje Photography aims to make any expecting mom who comes into the studio feel, “like a goddess.” From providing the dresses to offering hair and makeup at the studio, Saje Photography is an all-inclusive destination for any family seeking both newborn and maternity photography.


Wonderland Portrait - Feasterville-Trevose, PA

9. Wonderland Portrait Boutique

With an emphasis on “classy” versus “trendy,” Wonderland Portrait Boutique in Feasterville-Trevose, PA strives to deliver newborn photographs so beautiful your friends and family will wnat to know where you had them done. As a true boutique studio, Wonderland Portrait Boutique provides physical photo albums and wall art to showcase your little one rather than just digital photos. Dana, the creative force behind Wonderland Portrait Boutique is determined to create a “wow” image that will hang on your wall for years to come, even offering designing a “family wall” for your home!

Dana shoots in a self-described “light, bright, air style with pops of color for a bit of fun.” The results are apparent the second you see her newborn photos! And if you’re a fan of her style, she even has a baby plan to help you document your child’s first year. Yes, that also includes a family photo session!


Bridget Horgan Bell Photography - Cherry Hill, NJ

10. Bridget Horgan Bell Photography

If you’re looking for a newborn photographer who not only has experience and knowledge, but also the patience required to capture gorgeous photos of you little one, Bridget Horgan Bell Photography has all that and more! Located in Cherry Hill, NJ, families have been coming to Bridget Horgan Bell since 2010. This has allowed her to photograph countless newborns and expecting mothers from all over the Delaware Valley, a fact that should make any new parent feel comfortable in trusting their baby in her creative hands.

“Parents should be comfortable to ask questions about safety prior to their session.”

Safety and comfort are two things Bridget Horgan Bell takes extremely seriously. She knows that for new parents looking for a newborn photographer, safety is a big concern.  Currently, there are no standard safety regulations for newborn photography.  Getting those really cute swaddled photos in baskets, buckets and bowls, require patience, experience and knowledge – all of which she has in spades.

Blueprint Photography - Newark, DE

11. Blueprint Photography

For over 10 years, Blueprint Photography has been specializing in newborn, maternity and family portraits for Delaware Valley residents from their studio in Newark, Delaware. Blueprint Photography is owned and operated by Jamie, a former elementary school teacher with a master’s degree in elementary education who took her skills and love of working with children to start a business where she’s able to make these precious early years last forever in breathtaking photographs.

Blueprint Photography is all about creating a fun and comfortable experience for your baby (and you), and Jamie is a self-described “baby whisperer” who assures parents that she will create the most stunning and timeless images of your newborn or baby that will make you gush with that “crazy in-love” feeling that you never knew existed before you had your baby.