We’ve all seen the “balloons in the box”, “cutting the cake (colored icing inside)” and of course, the “shooting something filled with colored paint or powder”.  All of these ideas are awesome. I’m going to get creative with some lesser known ideas, to get you thinking about a unique way to share the happy news.

At the party, give every guest their own cup or glass, give them each a bath bomb which contains either pink or blue pacifiers. No shaking or poking the bath bombs! That’s cheating folks. Keep your eye on Grandma…she’ll be the one.  The first person to see the pacifier emerge from the bath bomb fizz, gets to yell ” It’s a _______!!!!!!”  Don’t want to include 50 people on the fun? Just do bath bombs for you and your partner, or just for the kids in the family.  Or just let Grandma do it…(free babysitting insurance/ bribery) 😉

The trick to this is you have to have a trusted friend put together the bath bombs. Or, you can buy your kit ready made at Wonder Time LLC!  I would be happy to help, and I can definitely keep this secret safe!

Stay tuned for more gender reveal ideas!

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