Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all safe & warm today! It’s a snow day for all of us here.

One of our clients recently asked how can we determine gender @ 13 weeks.  Well, a couple of factors need to be in place… You need to have a machine with really good resolution. Check.  You need to have experience in scanning babies at that time of pregnancy, (which is the time where you have the Nuchal Translucency scan). Check. And you need to know the method of determining relative angles. Check.  Most importantly, you need to get the exact middle view of the baby. Check.

I personally have used this method to determine gender, without fail, for over 150 babies (my determination was confirmed at 20 weeks).  As long as the baby cooperates (very rare that they don’t for this view) I can tell you what the sex of the baby is, anytime after the 13 week mark.  If you or someone you know “just can’t wait” give us a call or make an appointment online.

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